Bon Voyage

Thanks everyone for such a fabulous time at the party. We had a great time and we appreciate all the love and support. I can't explain how special everyone has made us feel! 🥰

We headed out the very next day to KKMI to get some more work on the boat done. It turns out one of the engines we had worked on was still not functioning as we would have liked. In fact, when we came in to Coyote Point to dock, our starboard engine went out right between the rock seawalls! Luckily our friends Alicia and Bryan were waiting at the docks for us. They even took the photo below, right about when our engine died. Luckily it's not close enough to see the panic in our eyes!
One lesson I'm sure every boater has learned early on is never to say no to help! And we're so happy we didn't say no this day as we needed their help catching lines for sure. Thanks guys!

So we're back at KKMI and I'm hoping we've figured out the problem: a failing lift pump on the starboard engine.
We also discovered that the adhesive on our two port windows was failing. So, yet again, we add another thing to the boat list. It's definitely never ending. We're here for probably another week or so to figure it all out. Hopefully, we will be out soon.