Our Time in the Delta is Running Out!

I'm so happy we decided to stay a bit longer and do a shake out cruise in the delta for numerous reasons! Most importantly, I'm happy we got to spend a little extra time with our boating friends, and make some new ones.
But like always on the boat, we start our trip off with a bang. We sailed here mostly on our Code Zero. It was a great change to take out our new to us sail and making sure all the rigging for her was up to par. (It was amazing. Thanks James!).

We had a great easy sail and actually sailed most of the way to the rivers of the Delta. We even made great time with the help of a rising tidal current.

When we arrived we ran into some problems with anchoring out which was our plan: our windlass had failed. We didn't know why it wasn't working at the time. I took over the helm and Owen went to check the electrical connections, since they had been worked on recently. Unfortunately, it turned out that the motor on the windlass had failed. We had to spend the night on the fuel dock at Willow Berm while we figured it all out. We were to take the motor to an motor rebuild shop, anchored with our friends using a rear anchor with our friends in Potato Slough while we waited for it to be repaired. And then installed it again with some help.
We spent a fabulous week with our friends and members of the Coyote Point Yacht Club in the weeds. The kids had a blast with kayaks, paddle boards, trampolines, and water fun galore. And let's not forgeting TUBING!