A busy visit to Tiamat

I went up to Richmond a few days ago for a quick visit to Tiamat. With so many projects in flight, the boat was BUZZING (though also rather filthy from workmen tromping all over).
- Electrical - Tiamat's new charging system is fully assembled in Pete's workshop, and was awaiting initial testing before all the components get relocated into the engine bay. Pete has been dealing with component shortages and delays, but things seem to be on track now. Pete's assistant Jonah was running wiring for the solar panels when I visited.

- Windows - We found a window installation specialist to replace the salon windows with replacements sourced directly from Fountaine Pajot. These guys are incredible! A job that was going to take the boat yard weeks and hundreds of worker-hours to complete, they will have done in less than a week.
- Canvas - The canvasworker has roughed out the canvas for new helm and cockpit enclosures, to protect us from the elements during rough weather. She's incorporate mesh window panels to act as bug screens when we have the windows open!
- Watermaker - We replaced our older 10GPH Spectra Capehorn watermaker with a new 40GPH Schenker. With all of the additional charging power coming form our new solar panels, we wanted to be able to make use of that to produce fresh water quickly and plentifully.

- Rigging - We're making some last minute rigging improvements, including replacing the main halyard and the trampoline. The new trampoline is made of Dyneema for strength and durability, and is much more firm & less bouncy, which should make it feel more secure under way.